The following are some of the research projects undertaken by members of the Network.
- A multidisciplinary study of fires in Niassa National Reserve. PI: Natasha Ribeiro. Partners : Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade de Tuscia, Centro de investigação em recursos Naturais, Universidade de Lurio. Funding source: Italian Cooperation/UEM.
- Fire, climate change and carbon balance in the miombo woodlands of the Niassa National Reserve. PI: Ribeiro. Partners: University of Virginia. Funding Source: Fulbright.
- Assessment of the fire regime and impacts on vegetation in the Gile National Reserve. PI: N. Ribeiro. PArtners: IGF, ANAC. Funding source: IGF.
- Abrupt changes in ecosystem services and wellbeing in Mozambican woodlands? PI: Ryan Partners: University of Edinburgh , UEM, CTV, Lupa, Micaia. Funding source: Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA).
- Socio-Ecological Observatory of Southern Africa Woodlands (SEOSAW). PI: C. Ryan. Partners: University of Edimburgh, CIFOR, WITS. Funding source: ESPA. PI: Patrick Mayford. Partners: Universite catholique de Louvin, Belgica. Funding source: European Union.