The Miombo Network recently identified a lack of clarity of regional policies related to the utilisation and sustainable management of Miombo woodlands which necessitated a need for a forest policy analysis study. The overall aim of the study is to assess the forestry policies in the region in terms of rules for harvesting as well as policies promoting alternative wood sources. The study involves a review of forest policy documents and other natural resources policy documents as well as conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders in all the miombo countries. This is aimed at developing an understanding of forest policies and their implementation across the Miombo countries.
We have created a database of approximately 30 forestry officials from 7 southern African countries and performed personal interviews presenting a questionnaire that has four main sections:
1. National/local policies and regulations relating to use of indigenous forests
2. Harvesting of forest resources
3. Stakeholder engagement in the management of the indigenous forests
4. Programmes promoting sustainable use of wood fuel/ alternative energy sources
We have also sources all available policy documents on this topic, and where necessary, translated them into English, and the Miombo network will host a portal where these documents will be made available to the public. The findings of this research project will be made available to the public through published articles and written policy brief. The project is part of a larger World Bank funded initiative to strengthen regional policy on woodlands in Southern Africa.