Elisha Elifuraha Njoghomi holds a Doctoral Degree in Sustainable Use of Renewable Resources (AGFOREE) from Helsinki University, Finland, and a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Forestry from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania. He is currently a researcher at Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI) since 2006. Through research, he has acquired good practical experience in tree growth and stand dynamics for miombo woodland resources and the overall ecology and management of miombo woodlands. Through his doctoral dissertation, Njoghomi has made a significant contribution to understanding the role of various forest disturbances and silvicultural treatments in tree growth, mortality, in-growth, regeneration, and stand dynamics. Njoghomi has also participated in various research projects as an active lead and co-scientist in Tanzania making a significant contribution to science and the forestry sector in Tanzania.